The Reformed Presbyterian Church (Covenanted) in Australia
We are a small group of families who meet in the Richlands region of Queensland. We have discovered an absolute treasure trove in the historical Presbyterian Church as constituted and established in the seventeenth century in Scotland.
We feel a duty to share this treasure with you. With anyone who would join us to worship the LORD Christ in Spirit and in truth.
We love to sing the Psalms as our Scottish forefathers and mothers did before us. We love to learn the whole council of God and learn the Biblical truths that were rediscovered during the European, British and Scottish Reformations.
It has been our regrettable discovery that most modern “reformed” Churches are NOT reformed in worship, doctrine, government and discipline.
Although these Churches contain some good Christian people and Biblical sermons we cannot be satisfied with their declension in worship, doctrine, government and discipline.
We therefore aim to constitute a reformed Church according to the high standards laid down for us by the providence of God almighty at the Westminster Assembly 1643-1653.
By God’s grace we refuse to worship the Lord by any other lesser standards. To the end that the LORD Christ would dwell with us richly as our prophet, priest and king.
Soli Deo Gloria